International Prosthetic Eye Center: India


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Dry eyes in prosthesis user

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Loss of an eye is a very unfortunate circumstance in one’s life. The cas-
es identified in this study include patients with an anophthalmic socket
or disfigured globe. A well-fitting ocular prosthesis can help to restore a normal appearance, however these patients often find that they now have symptoms commonly associated with the use of an ocular prosthesis that they had not anticipated. These include frequent discharge, discomfort, dryness, crusting of eyelids and lashes over the prosthetic eye. The under- lying causes for these symptoms include a rough surface on the prosthesis itself, tenacious surface deposits, meibomianitis or other infectious condi- tions, an ill-fitted prosthesis which may include the presence of any unfilled spaces/gaps between the socket and the prosthesis and/or any uncured polymer left in the intermolecular spaces of the PMMA network. The use of a custom-designed prosthetic eye has tremendously improved the aesthetic appearance as well as comfort in these patients, however the patients still have these persisting symptoms.

Reduction in tear secretion is known to cause dry eye and often initiates the rather common clinical practice of investigating the tear levels present in these patients who complains of dryness. Therefore, it is meaningful to study and compare the tear secretion level between the normal eye and the prosthetic eye to know the causative factor for dryness and discomfort.

Understanding Tears And The Wetting Process

The main function of the tears is to keep the eyes moist. Tears are mainly secreted by the lacrimal gland. Basal (basic), emotional and reflex tears are types of tear secretions. They are also a source of many biologically active substances, immunoglobulins and proteins, all of which play a major role as defense mechanism in protecting the eye. Blinking action spreads the tears uniformly over cornea and forms a tear film, which consists of 3 layers: lipid layer, aqueous layer and mucous layer. Exposure to air causes the tear film to evaporate and break down; then the next blink action again forms the layer.

Tear break-up time (TBUT) is a test to measure
the relative stability of pre-corneal tear film. It is the time it takes for the tear film to break up after the last blink. A normal TBUT is more than 10 seconds. A value less than 5 seconds is considered abnormal and is an indication of dry eye syndrome.4 Schirmer’s test is a measure of the amount of tears produced by the eye
in a 5 minutes measure. This test is useful in making a comparison of the tear production between both eyes in a healthy patient, between an anopthalmic socket and a normal companion eye and between the eyes of different personnels.

A review, by the author, of the currently available literature revealed only one relevant study on com- paring the tear measurements in the prosthetic eye (in anophthalmic socket cases) vs. a contralateral normal eye. This article, written by Lee Allen, concluded that a significantly lower tear production in the prosthetic eye socket as compared to the contralateral normal eye (when there was no anesthetic effect). In contrast, with the effect of topical anesthesia, no significant difference was found between the prosthetic eye and the normal eye.

Welcome International Prosthetic Eye Center

Your life-like Customized Artificial Eyes

We offered very natural looking artificial eyes!

In certain cases where normal eye is bulging forward, or have pain in the eyes with out Vision, these patient may under go for evisceration or enucleation with or with out use of orbital implant. The surgical procedure to remove the entire natural eye is referred to as an enucleation where as the surgical procedure to remove the contents of of a natural eye is referred to as evisceration.Both procedures will need prosthetic restoration with the fitting of an artificial eye. This process can usually begin approximately six weeks following the initial surgery.

Fitting the artificial eye begins with a board certified ocularist taking an impression mold of the surgically repaired eye socket or residual eye. This procedure ensures each patient attains the maximum amount of comfort and movement possible.

Our team of board certified ocularists have developed advanced art and sculpting techniques to recreate artificial eyes with life-like and natural appearance. These techniques are focus on carefully matching eyelid contours, eyelid folds, and other features involved in achieving facial symmetry. We make every effort to maximize the amount of movement and to recreate an exact color match to your natural eye.

At International Prosthetic Eye Center, we utilize a combination of digital photography and hand painted technques to replicate the color and details of your eye. Only natural earth pigments are used in the painting of our artificial eyes. These pigments provide exquisite detail, depth of color, and vibrancy for the life of your artificial eye.


EXPERT IN Dry eyes of ANOPHTHALMIc socket

Team is highly qualified and very passionated to care for you at every step of providing care.

Kuldeep Raizada, Ph D BCO, BADO, FAAO

Kuldeep Raizada is a Licensed Ocularist in Hyderabad, a Board Certified Ocularist (BCO) from National examination Board of ocularist’s, USA and a Board Approved Diplomate Ocularist (BADO) from American Society of ocularist’s, specializing in ocular prosthetics since 2001, Kuldeep places his emphasis on the satisfaction and well-being of every patient. His clinical skill and expertise are equally matched by his personalized care for patients and attention to detail.

Kuldeep Raizada completed his basic optometry education at Gandhi Eye Hospital, Aligarh, and has his training at L V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad. where he was also Founder and Head of the Department of Ocular Prosthesis services till 2009. He completed a second fellowship, in Anaplastolgy, at MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston. He has also been trained by the top most ocularist and anaplastologist in United States of America.

His clinical interests include ocular and facial prosthesis, particularly in pediatric patients. His research interests lie in newer advancement in development of new types of prosthesis, newer solution for ptosis corrective glasses.

Kuldeep Raizada, is Founder & Director of the International Prosthetic Eye Center since 2010, where he is practicing since 2010.

Kuldeep Raizada has been recognized by the American Society of Ocularist, USA and American Anaplastology Association,USA and by several other professional organizations, for his excellence in research and clinical practice.

Kuldeep Raizada, have completed all requirements by American Society of Ocularist, which is hard work of 14000 working hours as well extensive study for prosthetics, Hence awarded the Diplomate Ocularist from American Society of Ocularist, USA, 2012, Chicago, USA, which is the First ever received all over Asia Pacific & throughout Middle East so ever.

At present he is reviewer of several journals like Contact Lens & Anterior Eye, International Journal of Anaplastology, Oculoplasty & Reconstructive Surgery (OPRS) and Many others. He has published and presented world widely.

Fact About Kuldeep

  • CEO & Chairman of Akriti

  • Founder & Director International Prosthetic Eye Center, India

  • Founder of Healthcare India Magazine

  • Receipt of Abdul Kalam Award.

  • First ever Indian to received Board Certifications, from National Board of examination of ocularist, USA, He was the first One all over Asia Pacific & throughout Middle East.

  • Developed First Digital Dynamic Facial Eye Prosthesis

  • Developed physiological Near Stereo test

  • Developed physiological Distance Stereo test

  • Developed ETDRS Log Mar Vision Charts in Hindi for 4 Meters

  • Developed ETDRS Log Mar Vision Charts in Telegu for 4 Meters 

  • Developed ETDRS Log Mar Vision Charts in Assamese for 4 Meters 

  • Developed ETDRS Log Mar Vision Charts in Arabic for 4 Meters 

  • Developed ETDRS Log Mar Vision Charts in Bangla for 4 Meters 

  • Developed ETDRS Log Mar Vision Charts in Tamil for 4 Meters 

  • Developed ETDRS Log Mar Vision Charts in Oriya for 4 Meters 

  • Developed ETDRS Log Mar Vision Charts in Kannada for 4 Meters

  • Developed ETDRS Log Mar Vision Charts in Malayalam for 4 Meters 

Deepa D Raizada, MS, BCA, BCO, BCCA

Deepa completed her diploma and clinical fellowship in optometry at L V Prasad Eye Institute, India, in 2003, pursued her graduation from Madhurai Kamraj University, 2006.

She had completed her Master of Science (M Sc) in “Maxillofacial and Craniofacial Technology” (2010-2012), King’s Collage London, UK where she was trained to work exclusively in the field of Maxillofacial Prosthetics.

Deepa is also an associate Member of The Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetist & Technologist, UK (AIMPT) since 2014. & Active Member of International Anaplastology Association, (IAA) USA since 2009.

Deepa Have make a remarkable success in becoming "Asia's First Board Certified Clinical Anaplastologist ( BCCA") and Bring glory for India as to Make India Fifth Nation to have a Board Certified Clinical Anaplastologist.

She Did complete her Board Certification for Ocularist (BCO), By National Examination Board of ocularist, USA in March 2018

She persued her basic training in Ocularistry from L V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad and advanced training in Ocular Prosthetics (May – July, 2005) at Moorefield’s Eye Hospital, London, UK under Mr Nigel Saap.

She worked as an Ocularist at Ocular Prosthesis Department, L V Prasad Eye Institute from 2003 – 2010. She worked with different type of techniques, developed new techniques in the fabrication and fitting of ocular & facial Prostheses. Her work was well recognized and appreciated.

Her clinical interest include make her career in the art and science of facial prosthetics and ocular prosthetics, particularly in pediatric patients. Her research interests lie in developing new techniques in the field of facial prosthetics, and undertake research on materials used in this field.

Deepa Raizada has been recognized by the Oculoplasty Society of India, Indian Optometric Association and by several other professional organizations in India as well as Internationally, for her excellence in research and clinical practice.

Email ID:,

Fact about Deepa Raizada:

  1. She is the First Indian Lady to be American Board Certified Ocularist (BCO) as well as Board Certified Clinical Anaplastogist (CCA).

  2. Her credentials are unmatched with any one from Asia, Middle East, Africa & Europe. First Ever Indian Lady to be American Board Certified Ocularist (BCO) 2018

  3. First Ever Indian Lady to received Her Board Certification in Clinical Anaplastology (CCA) 3rd Individual in the World to have CCA and BCO, (Other 2 in USA)

  4. She bring the glory to India for bringing the First Ever CCA & made a land mark for India to 5th country in the world.